Do you need a big ad to drive shoppers to your showroom? It depends on who you are trying to reach. Take the case of this Natuzzi furniture ad in the Dallas Morning News. The audience is narrow-- sofa buyers with a palette for contemporary Italian designs. So if we start by knowing that 1-2% of adults in the market are ready to buy a sofa this week but only 10% are willing and able to choose Natuzzi, then the pool of customers is small. On the plus side these shoppers are high income, well educated and homeowners: newspaper readers. So the retailer needs a big ad to make sure every adult in the market for this product and reading the paper will see the ad.
Can you afford a big ad? Compare the cost of this quarter page ad to the value of one transaction. How many paying customers will it take to generate a return on investment. Two or three? Effective ads like this one will make money rather than cost money.
The layout, design and message are strong. The product is featured elegantly in this stylish black & white photo. The headline is simple and explains why these exclusive sofas are on sale. Your eyes move to the bottom of the ad where more details reveal that the savings start at 30% and go up from there. Finally, you find the name of the store and the contact info you need to respond. Give this print ad four stars.