Casual. Fun. Friendly. That's how Luna Chics, a women's clothing boutique in Portsmouth, NH. welcomes you when they land on their website. I found myself there after clicking on this leaderboard that I spotted on several pages of www.seacoastonline.com, the website for Portsmouth, N.H.
Luna Chics promises to find your best fitting jeans. This 728x90 banner sports a shapely example, cropped to her waist and thighs, to maximize the tight dimensions that horizontal banners offer. The copy block lists example of the items in the store but is short on the benefits described when you visit http://www.lunachicksnh.com/.
Check it out, see if you agree that the site is well done. As for this online ad I think it will generate better results if designed with a simple transition. Get her attention with the shot of the perfect fit jeans with a tempting headline: 20 brands of designer jeans...best fit guaranteed. Close with the store's logo and contact info so it's easy to call or shop.