Tuesday, July 24, 2012

Disney tryouts, anyone?

Ever wondered how you end up working for Disney at their theme parks in Orlando or Anaheim?

Spotted this animated 300x250 banner for casting call on the lifestyle pages of ajc.com, a site with one of the largest audiences in Atlanta. 

The Disney logo and those happy faces stop your eyes for a moment.  The Message is clear.  I'm betting the click here for more info is generating plenty of leads.

Friday, April 20, 2012

Irvine Co. ad sells lifestyle

Compliments to the designers of this full page ad for the Villages of Irvine in The Orange County Register.  The stunning photography and clean layout make it stand out from the crowd whether you turn the pages and find it in main news or in the Saturday New Home section.

Potential new home buyers are wowed by the emotional triggers from the lifestyle messages that sell living in Irvine communities.

Extra points for the strong benefit statements and details on the 5 communities.  I'm a big fan of maps and QR codes too.